How Old Is Your Child?


  • Children must be 2 by August 1st

  • 9:00 - 11:30am

    2 days a week $200/month

    3 days a week $285/month

    5 days a week $400/month

    Supply Fee is due August and January

    2 days $70

    3 days $80

    5 days $100

  • 9:00 - 1:00pm (bring lunch)

    2 days a week $300/month

    3 days a week $400/month

    5 days a week $500/month

    Supply Fee is due August and January

    2 days $125

    3 days $130

    5 days $140

  • The 2/3-year-old curriculum begins with a 10 week look at colors. Each week is assigned a color and by the end each child has a book to bring home in which they are the main character. Our next unit of study revolves around shapes. These 8 weeks are each assigned a shape for concentrated study. We will continue to emphasize colors as we learn shapes too. At the end of the 8 weeks, another book will be created with poems, songs and artwork done about each shape. The last study of the school year is about numbers 1-10. Learning number rhymes is a key activity during circle time. How about a number book to go with your collection of child-created nonfiction? These basic concepts will always be revisited and make a great base to a child's first school experience.


  • Must by potty trained. ​

  • 9:00 - 1:00pm

    3 days a week (MWF) $400/month

    5 days a week $500/month

  • Due in August & January

    Early drop off at 8am:

    $10/day or

    $125/month (3 days)

    $150/month (5 days)

    Late pick up at 2pm:

    $10/day or

    $125/month (3 days)

    $150/month (5 days)

  • The 3/4-year-old curriculum is all about introducing the ABCs. Each week is assigned a letter which we practice writing, make a small book about, and create tactile art with. Each child has a 3-ring binder at home where they keep their ABC papers. This creates a beautiful book of memories by the end of the school year. The last unit of study for this class is all about Nursery Rhymes. On the last day of school, we perform all of our favorites for the parents in the End of the Year Show.


  • Monday-Friday 9:00 - 1:00 pm

    Family Registration Fee $75/year

    Tuition $500.00/Month

    Supply Fee $140.00/Due in August and January

    Early drop off at 8am. $10/day or $150/month.

    Late pick up at 2pm. $10/day or $150/month.

  • The 4/5-year-old class also is based on a letter of the week. We continue to write the letter, but we also focus on the sound(s) that each letter makes. We write words, journal sentences and draw pictures about the sentence. We also focus on numbers and number word recognition. Counting and beginning adding/subtraction is introduced. Color words are used and learned from the beginning of the year and continues till the end. We allow each child to develop and master skills as they are ready. Most of the work is completed independently and teacher guided as necessary. We have performances during all the holiday shows. The children learn songs and dances, then perform them for all the parents and friends. For the end of the year show the children act out some of the favorite childhood stories which include costumes and props. The performances are a super way to help with self-confidence.